I am very excited for our video conference with Professor Richard Herrmann. I am very excited to hear an overview of the Arab-Israel conflict from a political science professor. I feel like a whole lecture on this topic will help me, especially because it includes maps!
This lecture is coming at a perfect time since the Palestinian State is currently fighting for a place in the United Nations, thus being formally recognized as a nation. I think it is obvious that both Israel and Palestine deserve their own states, and I think the United Nations would be a great first step for the Palestinians. Even if being in the United Nations does not give Palestine as much political power as they would like, it is still a step in the right direction. Although President Obama has stated that Israel and Palestine must pursue direct talks in order for negotiations, I believe that will never happen. This conflict involves a lot of pride of both sides that has been building up for decades, and direct negotiations are a dream, and if they do I doubt either side would be satisfied. Therefore I agree with the majority of the world in that the United States has the biggest influence on this situation. As long as the United States continues to side with Israel, no negotiations will made.
I would like to learn from this lecture the relations between the United States and Israel. I understand that they are allies for a number of reasons, but I want to know the details of why the United States is so desperate for Israel's friendship. By befriending Israel, the United States loses any other possibility of an ally in that area. Maybe if the United States would do Palestine justice, we would gain that many allies in the region where they are needed the most. Although I know it is so much more complicated than that, it seems like a solution is fairly simple. If anything, Obama should recognize Palestine is he plans to be reelected.
It was interesting to hear what Professor Hermann said about the Israeli-American relationship. It seems odd that the United States has maintained such strong ties even though the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Echoing what Professor Hermann said, it seems we are tied on an ideological/moral basis above anything else. I agree with you that if we continue to be biased, we will not help the peace process.