Monday, October 3, 2011

Jerusalem Awareness on Campus

For the semester project, Allison and I are working together to explore the idea of sacrality. Our ideas are not final yet, but we are planning to visit a church, mosque, and synagogue one weekend and film segments of the services. Allison and I prefer to explore the sacred, religious aspects of Jerusalem. Hopefully by visiting all three services, we can see any similarities or differences between the three faiths.
We are also planning on asking students around campus a few questions that are related to Jerusalem:
Do you feel Jerusalem is sacred to you?
 What is your belief system?
What is your major?
Are you familiar with the Arab-Israeli conflict? 
These are just trial questions, but we want them to be related to Jerusalem so we can discover how much students on this campus are aware of Jerusalem and the conflicts surround it. I think that once you step outside the international studies classroom, not that many students are familiar with the importance of Jerusalem religiously and politcally. Our project is basically advocating for the need of this class.

1 comment:

  1. I think your idea for a final project seems great! I look forward to see what you and Allison come up with!
